Laravel Installation and Check the version of Laravel Project ?

Installing Laravel

You want to create a Laravel project then you can use a composer or laravel installer but before the use of laravel installer, you can install the laravel installer using the composer.


Composer is the dependency manager for PHP or you can say composer is just a warehouse where lots of 3rd party libraries or dependencies are available for PHP.

Create a Laravel Project using Composer

composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} 7.* --prefer-dist

Create a Laravel Project using Laravel Installer

First, download the Laravel installer using Composer:
composer global require laravel/installer

After download the Laravel Installer, you can confirm Laravel Installer is installed or not using check the version of Laravel Installer :

laravel --version
Now, you can create a Laravel Project using Laravel Installer
laravel new your_project_name

Check the Laravel Project Version

php artisan --version (run this comman inside your root project directory in CMD or Terminal)

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