Copy Constructor in PHP ?
Copy Constructor in PHP
Copy Constructor is a type of constructor which is used to create a copy of an already existing object of a class.
In Other languages, we can overload the constructor and methods but in PHP we cannot overload the constructor and methods so we can achieve the copy constructor functionality using the normal method.
Example -:
- <?php
- class CopyConstructor {
- public $name;
- public $food_type;
- public function __construct() { } //default constructor
- public function copyCon(CopyConstructor $o) // working as copy constructor
- {
- $this->name = $o->name;
- $this->food_type = $o->food_type;
- }
- function show() {
- echo "Name = ".$this->name.'<br/>';
- echo "Food Type = ".$this->food_type;
- }
- }
- $obj1 = new CopyConstructor();
- $obj1->name = 'umar';
- $obj1->food_type = 'biryani';
- $obj1->show();
- // $obj2 = $obj1; //both hold the same reference, so if we change in obj2 then it reflect also obj1. so this method is not good.
- // $obj2->name='h';
- // $obj1->show();
- echo '<br/> ================== object 2 ================'.'<br/>';
- $obj2 = new CopyConstructor();
- $obj2->copyCon($obj1);
- $obj2->show();
- echo '<br/>'.'<br/>';
- $obj2->name="master";
- $obj2->show();
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