Write a program in C to print table using recursion of an integer number,which is supply(apply) by the user Answer ?

Write a program in C to print the table using the recursion of an integer number.

/*================= Author -: MOHD UMAR(MASTER-TECH786 OR MASTER-TECH271 OR MASTER-TECH OR umar17605) ===============================*/
/*============ This code is originally written by MOHD UMAR =========================================================================*/
void table_generate(int, int, int);
int main() {
 int a, b, c;
 printf("\n\n\tThis code is originally written by MOHD UMAR\n\n");
 printf("Enter the table Number = ");//table number which you want
 scanf("%d", &a);
 printf("Enter the table Number upto = ");//table upto
 scanf("%d", &b);
 c = b;
 table_generate(a, b, c);
 return 0;
void table_generate(int a, int b, int c) {
 if(b==0) {
 else {
  printf("%d * %d = %d \n", a, ((c-b)+1), (a*((c-b)+1)));
  table_generate(a, b-1, c);

Code is available on GitHub Link -: https://github.com/Master-Tech271/Advanced-DataStructure/blob/master/TableUsingRecusionInC

OUTPUT of print table using recursion of an integer number in c.

Write a program in C to print table using recursion of an integer number,which is supply(apply)  by the user Answer

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