How to Calculate Diploma Engineering Percentage According to BTE ? Mohd UmarThursday, October 29, 2020 How to Calculate Diploma Engineering 3 Years Percentage According to BTE? Calculation can be done -: Total Percentage = 20% of 1st ye...
Solved, How to Show and Hide Password Input in SweetAlert2 using Javascript, Jquery Mohd UmarMonday, September 07, 2020 In this tutorial, I use Sweetalert2 and vanilla or plain Javascript and fontawesome for icons. Example -: <script> function s...
Access Modifiers in Oops? Mohd UmarSaturday, July 11, 2020Access Modifiers in Oops Access Modifiers also known as Visibility Specifiers . Access Specifiers can be used to restrict access . In ot...
Inheritance in Oops ? Mohd UmarSaturday, July 11, 2020Inheritance Inheritance is the reusability of code. In other words, The properties or features of the object of that class is acquire to ano...
Constructor and Destructor in PHP? Mohd UmarSaturday, July 11, 2020Constructor The constructor is the special type of method that runs automatically when an object is created of this class and Constructor ...
Copy Constructor in PHP ? Mohd UmarSaturday, July 11, 2020Copy Constructor in PHP Copy Constructor is a type of constructor which is used to create a copy of an already existing object of a class...
Oops Concepts? Mohd UmarFriday, July 10, 2020Oops Oops, stand for Object-Oriented Programming Language that follows the bottom-up approach . The program is divided into objects. It use...
How to download Composer? Mohd UmarThursday, July 09, 2020Composer Composer is the dependency manager for PHP or you can say composer is just a warehouse where lots of 3rd party libraries or depende...
Laravel Installation and Check the version of Laravel Project ? Mohd UmarThursday, July 09, 2020Installing Laravel You want to create a Laravel project then you can use a composer or laravel installer but before the use of laravel insta...
Do you know what is difference between PHP and NODE.JS? Mohd UmarWednesday, July 08, 2020PHP V/S NODE.JS
How to submit form data using ajax with pure javascript(Post Method) ? Mohd UmarMonday, July 06, 2020How to submit form data using ajax with pure javascript(Post Method)? Code -: index.html <html> <head> <title> Ajax PART-...
Ajax without jQuery ? Mohd UmarTuesday, June 30, 2020Ajax without jQuery What Is AJAX ? AJAX stands for A synchronous J avaScript A nd X ML. AJAX is a JavaScript method that is used to ...
Do you know about Ajax ? Mohd UmarTuesday, June 30, 2020What Is AJAX ? AJAX stands for A synchronous J avaScript A nd X ML. AJAX is a JavaScript method that is used to submit or fetch data from ...
How to host React Project with free of cost and free domain ? Mohd UmarSaturday, June 27, 2020How to host React Project with free of cost and free domain? First, you create your project and you want to host your project on a live ser...